What happens when you ask ChatGPT to write a blog about AI writing blogs for writers? This…

What happens when you ask ChatGPT to write a blog about AI writing blogs for writers? This…

Author: Bev Morris Date: 6 Jul 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years, and it has made significant strides in various industries, including the world of writing. While AI is still in its early stages in writing, it has the potential to revolutionize the way writers create content. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at AI writing blogs for writers.

AI writing tools are designed to help writers create content more efficiently and effectively. These tools use natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to understand the context, meaning, and intent of words, phrases, and sentences. This allows them to generate high-quality content that is both readable and informative.

One of the primary benefits of using AI writing tools is that they can help writers save time. These tools can quickly generate drafts, outlines, and even entire articles, allowing writers to focus on more critical aspects of their work, such as research and editing. Additionally, AI writing tools can help writers generate content ideas by analyzing trends and identifying topics that are currently popular in their niche.

Another benefit of AI writing tools is that they can help writers improve their writing skills. These tools can provide real-time feedback on grammar, style, and tone, allowing writers to refine their skills and create more polished content. This is particularly useful for freelance writers who may not have access to editors or mentors to provide feedback on their work.

Some AI writing tools can also help writers optimize their content for search engines. By analyzing the content’s structure, keywords, and other relevant factors, these tools can suggest changes that can improve the article’s ranking in search results.
One of the most significant advantages of using AI writing tools is that they can help writers overcome writer’s block. Many writers struggle to come up with fresh and compelling content ideas, which can lead to frustration and burnout. AI writing tools can help writers overcome this by suggesting ideas, generating outlines, and even drafting entire articles based on a few keywords or topics.

Of course, AI writing tools are not without their limitations. While they can generate high-quality content, they are still unable to replicate the creativity and nuance that comes with human writing. Additionally, some AI writing tools may produce content that lacks a personal touch, which can be a drawback for writers who want to connect with their audience on a deeper level.

In conclusion, AI writing tools have the potential to transform the way writers create content. By using these tools, writers can save time, improve their writing skills, and overcome writer’s block. While AI writing tools are not without their limitations, they offer a valuable resource for writers who want to create high-quality content efficiently and effectively. As the technology continues to develop, it’s likely that we will see more advanced AI writing tools that can create even more compelling and engaging content.

How does that sound to you? Am I out of a job? I really don’t think so.
It’s efficient and clean, in the manner of a butcher. The most obvious weakness is that it lacks the warmth and character of a living, breathing, frayed-around-the-edges writer. It also doesn’t add anything new to our thinking or our language. AI has produced a school level essay without any nuance (even the AI admits that) or space for original thought. No surprise really as all it can do (for now!) is scrape existing words and ideas from the internet. It’s a glorified plagiarist that will be gnawing away at the very words in this blog like a ravenous badger (might try that as an AI image search…)

It also defaults to American spellings which infuriates me, especially when I’ve set my region to the UK. Who knew that it was so easy to take over the world just by fixing the default setting in your software to America as the centre of the universe?
What made me chuckle was the way it claimed it could prevent burnout for writers and the last sentence where it appears to be bigging itself up just in case we’re not convinced that its very existence is a good thing (believe me, I’m really not convinced). When you’ve got AI writing about itself using humble brags it must be the warning that this is the grooming phase. It even tells us it can ‘cure’ writer’s block! Hallelujah! Who knew that the only thing us mere humans really need is a bit of nurturing from a creation that has no soul and no experience of what it means to live a complex, complicated, messy life.

Oh, yes, AI really, really wants us to like it. It wants us to think it’s helpful, innocuous and fun. It wants us to become dependent on it so that after this ‘research phase’ (for that please read, ‘taking all your data without your permission’) we’ll have no choice but to pay substantial fees to access what it has stolen from us by roaming the internet with an insatiable appetite to devour more and more of our creativity. We’ll end up in a draining symbiotic relationship where it needs us to feed it new ideas so that it can produce more content for us so that we can feed it new ideas… It has a touch of The Little Shop of Horrors about it, don’t you think? And there’s definitely been a few storylines in Dr Who and Star Trek about the idea of non-human entities harvesting human intelligence for its own gain. It starts with a reasonable assertion that this will help humanity, but no one can promise where it will end or who will be hurt along the way. For now, it seems that creatives and academics are the first ones to lose out as their work is systematically dragged down from the internet, chewed up and churned out as the work of AI.

Who, me morally outraged that all the writers, artists, songwriters and creatives will no longer be able to secure their copyright? Whatever gives you that idea? Certainly not a series of algorithms that strips us of our work without our knowledge or permission. Welcome to the dystopian future. No, wait, it’s already here.

So, will you be shunning AI or using it in your creative work? Share your examples with me on Twitter @MarvellousMinds and Instagram @MarvellousMindsCreatives with the hashtag #CreatedWithAI

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